@ at每;以(價格)
& and和,與
AA Automatic Approval 自動許可證
a.a after arrival 到達以后
A.A.R.;aar Against all risks 承保一切險
abt. about 大約
A/C. Account Current 往來帳戶
A/C. Account 帳戶,帳
Acc. Acceptance 承兌;Accepted 接受;account 帳戶;Accident 意外事故 (保險用語)
acpt. acceptance 承兌
ACN. Air Consignment Note 空運托運單
A/D. after date 期后
ad;advt. advertisement 廣告
Adval. Advalorem(according to value)從價計算
add. Address 住址
adv. advice 通知
A.F. Advanced freights 預(yù)付運費
A.F.B. air freight bill 空運提單
Ag. Agreement 同意;Agent 代理人
A.l first-class 一等;一流
amt. amount 金額;總數(shù);共計
anon. anonymous 不記名
a/c;acc/o account of..某人帳戶
a/or and/or 與/或
A/P Authority to Purchase 委托購買證
A/P;a.p. Additional Premium 附加保險費;額外保險費
A.P.L.;a.p.l. As per list 按照表所列出的
app. appendix 附錄
approx. pproximately;approximate 大約
Apr. April 四月
A.R. All Risks 一切險
arr. arrival;arrived 抵達
a.s after sight 見票后
a/s. alongside 船邊
asst. assorted 分類;花式搭配
atten. attention 注意
Aug August 八月
A/v;A.V. Advalorem=According to Value 從價;按值
Av. average 海損;平均
av.;A/V;avg. average 海損;平均
A/W actual weight 實際重量;凈重
A.W.B air way bill 空運運單