1. Where do you come from?
2. What kind of landscape surrounds your hometown?
3. What do you do during the Spring Festival?
4. Tell me something about the customs of your hometown.
5. Could you tell me something about your family?
6. What social responsibilities should a post-graduate take?
7. Which kind of professor do you like best?
8. What does friendship mean to you and what kind of people do you make friend with?
9. What is your major? How do you like your major?
10. When and where did you graduate? What qualifications have you obtained?
11. What impressed you most when you were at university?
12. What is the best university in your opinion?
13. Do you think the subjects you are studying today are relevant to present-day society? Why ?
14. What do you do for a living?
15. What are your job prospects?
16. If you had the opportunity to change your subject, what would you do with it?
17. What are your spare time interests?
18. Where have you been traveling to? Which place interested you most?
19. What kind of differences in the system of higher education between China and other countries?
20. Do you think you will be able to cope with English-demands of your intended study program?