2014年12月6日,SAT考試結(jié)束,考試題目中,比學生討論最多的就是考試作文,此次SAT考試的作為題目是 “Can people who are not famous be better role models than people who are famous?”與歷年SAT的作文題目相比,這一題目的難度系數(shù)并不算很高,但是仍然有些小陷阱,考生在審題時還需謹慎。
一、SAT考試作文題目中的Role model與idol并不是一個概念。
參加SAT考試的考生中,不少考生并沒有完全弄清role model與idol的區(qū)別。Role model 更傾向于“榜樣”,而idol傾向于“偶像”的含義。具體來說,role model具備某種物質(zhì)或者優(yōu)點,我們非常希望通過對他(她)的學習也同樣具備這樣的特質(zhì)及優(yōu)點。但我們對role model不見得會有著對idol那樣的“崇拜”(worship)的色彩。
三、為什么我們身邊的人會是“better role model”?
為什么我們身邊的人會是“better role model”?這是因為,我們身邊的人是真實的,是我們可能朝夕相處的,他們身上的,無論是優(yōu)點還是缺點,我們都清晰地看到。他們是真實的人,正因為他們有血有肉,有優(yōu)點也有不足,所以他們的閃光點更加彌足珍貴。而名人,距離我們比較遠,我們對他們的認知都是間接的。為他們寫傳記的人,或者關(guān)于他們的影視作品,會或多或少地擴大他們的優(yōu)點或者缺點。名人可能會成為我們的idol,但不見得是最好的role model,因為我們對名人的了解往往是不完整和不客觀的。
原題十分清楚,無論是famous還是not famous 之前都是一般現(xiàn)在時are,如果是剛才那種寫法,描述一個‘無名屌絲’如何“逆襲”成為名人,那至少not famous前面應該是過去時were或者used to be。‘屌絲逆襲’的寫作思路是嚴重的理解錯誤 。
Fame doesn't naturally make a person a good role model. All it does is make the actions of a person more public on television and magazines. A good role model needs to be someone whose actions can be learned from. Because of this, I strongly believe that people who are not famous can be better role models than famous people.
Nikola Tesla was a famous engineer in the 19th and early 20th centuries. During his career, he made great contributions to engineering and physics, including the invention of the induction motor and studies of magnetism and electricity. He was made famous by magazines, journals, and newspapers, and many people thought of Tesla as a great role model because of his achievements.
Though Tesla remained charming in public, he was not a good role model. He fired a secretary because she was overweight and often told his employees to go home and change their clothes if he didn't like what they were wearing. It is not the fact that he did these bad things that makes him a bad role model. He is a bad role model because his bad actions remained hidden, so that we can't learn from them.
My father is not famous, but he makes a better role model than Tesla. My father works hard as a doctor, which I think is a good thing in the same way that Tesla's great inventions were good things. He also does bad things, like get angry and waste lots of money. However, I see both the good and bad things that my father does. I can learn both to do the good things that he does and to not do the bad things that he does. Because I have a complete understanding of him, I can learn from all aspects of him, not just the good actions that he did.
Neither fame nor good achievements make a good role model. Whether a person is a good role model depends on how much can be learned from the actions and reasons of that person. So, people who are not famous can be better role models than people who are famous.